Everyone who says this is just biding their time. It is the entire basis for American Conservativism and look at their limp wristed resistance to social and political upheaval decade by decade. In the '60 conservatives gave up freedom of association, in the 70s they gave up to country to immigrants, in the 80s they gave over our manufacturing base to hostile foreigners, and so on.
The problem of accepting people who have "seen the errors of their ways" is that they usually haven't.
Everyone who says this is just biding their time. It is the entire basis for American Conservativism and look at their limp wristed resistance to social and political upheaval decade by decade. In the '60 conservatives gave up freedom of association, in the 70s they gave up to country to immigrants, in the 80s they gave over our manufacturing base to hostile foreigners, and so on.
The problem of accepting people who have "seen the errors of their ways" is that they usually haven't.