Remember when you were 9 and still playing with toys? You might invite your friend over and have a big battle, your action figures versus his. But because it was your bedroom, you made the rules! "I get to pick first", "No, you can't do this", "You can't do that", "You can't move there", "I can do this", "And that", "My dinosaur is stronger than your tank", "My Transformer didn't really die, he was faking it. You just don't understand how powerful he is!" This is the 'adult' version of that.
Remember when you were 9 and still playing with toys? You might invite your friend over and have a big battle, your action figures versus his. But because it was your bedroom, you made the rules! "I get to pick first", "No, you can't do this", "You can't do that", "You can't move there", "I can do this", "And that", "My dinosaur is stronger than your tank", "My Transformer didn't really die, he was faking it. You just don't understand how powerful he is!" This is the 'adult' version of that.