posted ago by Boonk ago by Boonk +2 / -27

America is the worst country on the planet now. Name one aspect about any other country that'd make them worse than America. Because I can't, every other country is better one way or another.

Americans are the biggest fucking losers in the world. It's literally in your guys' DNA to be losers. You fuckers never stood a chance. Your government didn't even need to subvert or manipulate you because you already destroying yourselves on your own naturally.

So here's a suggestion, Americans: go kill yourselves. Neck yourselves, shoot yourselves in the head, jump off high cliffs.. doesn't matter, just fucking off yourselves. The world doesn't need Americans anymore, you people are a burden to humanity and you need to fuck off into non-existence.

Everyone will clap and laugh at your suicides, why aren't you doing it already??