Trump separated himself from the pack in 2016 by campaigning on building the wall, deporting illegals, draining the swamp, and locking up Hillary.
If he tries running on the same or similar issues this time around, the stench of bullshit will be too much to ignore except for his most devoted followers.
IMO, he'll probably run on "I'm not Biden," and I'm sure with how bad Biden is, he'll win just off of that.
The sad part is, this will be another wasted election to try and get an actual change candidate who won't sell out as much. Too bad Rand Paul has a terrible sense of what grassroots Republican voters want. Last time around, he was pandering to try in bring in more black voters. Fucking eh, what a mess.
Immigration will continue to be an issue, same with deporting illegals, which will be made easier by the depression we are in.
The economic depression will be the next issue.
Actually locking up some people from the current regime will actually be popular.
Getting the US out of a proxy war with Russia will be a successful campaign, and he's one of the only presidents in recent history with a real track record to prove that he can avoid war.
You're completely wrong on Rand Paul, and pulling blacks and latinos away from the democrats is actually a lethal strategy for the Dems, because they need near unanimous support. If black support for Dems dropped down to 70%, the Democrats literally couldn't win an election. And there is genuine room among blacks and latinos on: immigration, crime, and family values.
Mass deportations of illegals is what actually got Trump most of his support among blacks, because illegals are taking poor black men's jobs even more than they are taking poor white men's jobs.
Trump was the most pro-black republican president and he only pulled about 2% more black votes after all he did for them.
Chasing the black vote has always been a losing strategy for republicans and it just turns off White voters - the people actually voting for republicans.
Neither of these is true.
First off, it doesn't piss off white voters, white people really don't care that some people appeal to black voters. It's not a zero sum game.
Second, Trump wasn't anywhere near the most 'pro-black' or even the most popular among blacks. Instead, some of the polling shows that the gender divide was a hell of an issue. 45% support among black men, and 2% support among black women. Black National Socialism regarding George Floyd was a major effort to contain losses of the black vote. And we're assuming that what we have as accurate black vote statistics isn't entirely fraudulent (which it clearly fucking is given that it was predominantly ultra-blue urban cores which perpetuated most of the voter fraud, using dead, moved, or non-existent black voters). And like I said, the things swaying black votes are things that are already present in Conservative talking points, so there's not even an argument to change. All that said, support for Democrats among blacks continues to steadily decline since it's peak in the 70's.
Yes, it does. You can ask around in White Nat forums for people who voted for him in 2016 and if they voted for him again in 2020. The only reason they voted for him in the first place is because they thought he was pro-White. Once he exposed himself, the incentive to vote for him was gone.
In fact, the White voters he lost would've probably pushed him passed the margin of cheating.
And I'm not even going to debate the failures of chasing the black vote. That's well documented since republicans lost the black vote. Black people who would consider voting republican are already doing so and they're doing so because they believe in the principles of Conservatism.
The idea that White Nationalist support for Trump, which is statistically insignificant due to being smaller than the confidence interval in any of his polls, should be taken as a representation of a lack of support among white people is retarded.
I don't even know how any WN's would have come to that conclusion anyway. The man has a long history of supporting black causes and being opposed to racism, even going back to the Central Park murder. It's like claiming Barry Goldwater was a staunch white nationalist. The only way you get to that idea is solely by listening to Leftist media.
Besides, there are fewer White Nationalists in America than gays. I know white racists who wouldn't support White Nationalism because it's stupid. There might be as many transpeople as WN's.
As far as anyone can tell, white support for Donald Trump hasn't really changed. White Leftists (including WNs) are obviously some of his biggest detractors. His biggest lack of support among white voters are white college educated suburban women (even the married ones). Exactly zero of whom are WNs. Being mean on Twitter did more to hurt his support among whites than anything else because of the sensibilities of middle-class suburban white women.
Yeah, and you can expand that number.