Trump separated himself from the pack in 2016 by campaigning on building the wall, deporting illegals, draining the swamp, and locking up Hillary.
If he tries running on the same or similar issues this time around, the stench of bullshit will be too much to ignore except for his most devoted followers.
IMO, he'll probably run on "I'm not Biden," and I'm sure with how bad Biden is, he'll win just off of that.
The sad part is, this will be another wasted election to try and get an actual change candidate who won't sell out as much. Too bad Rand Paul has a terrible sense of what grassroots Republican voters want. Last time around, he was pandering to try in bring in more black voters. Fucking eh, what a mess.
"Never let 2020 happen again"
This encapsulates everything very neatly: Race riots. Media lies. Fraudulent election. Scam epidemic. Economic breakdown. Overt technocratic excess. Full and total assault on basic American rights (free speech, assembly, face your accuser, bear arms, and many others).
His only challenge will be to explain his part in the breakdown, but that is frankly a simple ask. Because the left has never let up on him and continue to blame him for every ill since he's been gone and continues their witch-hunt persecution of him in his own home years on, all he has to do is say:
"They began this in 2016. They were flummoxed and dismayed when we won. They schemed and seethed every day to destroy what we were trying to build. They ran a totally fraudulent congressionally backed quasi-legal assault against me personally for 4 solid years that started with them sending spies into my actual election campaign before I was even elected.
They failed at every turn. They tried impeachment after impeachment. Even attempted impeachment after I wasn't even president anymore, something that has never been done and likely isn't even technically possible, but they tried it. They failed. And failed and failed. And it drove them crazy.
In their totally deranged state, they unleashed every hellish and apocalyptic attack they could muster, not against me, but against you. They sent Antifa into your peaceful streets to loot and burn. They created a worldwide panic and engineered an economic collapse around a disease that we now know was not that bad, all for the sake of carnage. Misery and pain are their favorite weapons and they wield them mercilessly against the American people, not caring about the consequences so long as in all the havoc and mayhem they were able to Steal a Presidential Election.
Anyone who recognized what was going on, anyone who raised a hand in dissent, were quashed by Social Media Overlords working hand in hand with the American Government, the British Government, the CHINESE Government, who felt that bypassing the First Amendment was as easy as asking the 'private sector' to do it for them.
These Tech Tsars colluded to actively prevent ME, the actual current American President, from speaking truth to the public. That did not bother them in the slightest, they were gleeful and happy to do it. How much less, then, do you think they regard you individually? You are beneath their contempt. They wouldn't even care if you died.
As your next president, I promise you this: The gloves are off. We won't be draining the swamp this time. We'll be bulldozing it. No one guilty will be ignored, we will pursue justice for ourselves and all future generations. Elections will be made sacred. Law and Order will be restored. Big Media and Big Tech will be scrutinized, and their cushy deals and government connections will be laid bare and reconsidered publicly before you all.
We will not allow a culture of intimidation, bullying, fear, cancellation, fake-news, and fake-politics to become America's normal. We'll Make America Great Again. Again."
Just a little spitball though-experiment. I think it came out fairly well.
You see, this is why I don't vote, because my question to him would be: as the chief law enforcer in the country, you were in position to do something about these riots and crack down on these organizations. So why didn't you do anything about it while you had the opportunity?
His answer (because I know all the angles) would be: because the system was corrupt and my hands were tied.
This is BS. He ran on draining the swamp and he had the authority to fire and pick both interim and permanent replacements (which he did). In both cases, he failed, and people still blame Barr and Wray even though Trump personally appointed them. The DOJ takes marching orders from the President and the FBI takes marching orders from the DOJ. He chose not to drain the swamp. Instead, he chose to fill the swamp and protect it ("The Clintons are good people, I don't want to hurt them"). No excuse, you don't have my vote.