John Chang is a doctor and practitioner of Qi Gong in Indonesia. In the late 80's, two British documentarians (Lawrence Blair and his brother Lorne) made a series of what were basically travel documentaries focused on the volcanic islands of Indonesia.
During the filming of these documentaries they stumbled upon a local healer with what appear to be abilities beyond the current understanding of science.
In addition to the video footage, in the past westerners have been able to seek out Chang and train under him. A Greek engineer did so for years and wrote a book trying to apply a scientific approach to what he witnessed and experienced. This book really shines an interesting light on not just the what observed in the video, but investigates possible answers for the how as well as just being a highly engrossing book.
I believe John Chang is by far the most convincing case of human potential exceeding the limits set by our current paradigms. A thorough look into him and the mystery around him is able to shine a light on the many dark and seemingly disconnected areas that conspiracy research takes us.
Wim Hof’s practice has a lot of overlap with this, as does g-Tummo yoga:
John Chang is a doctor and practitioner of Qi Gong in Indonesia. In the late 80's, two British documentarians (Lawrence Blair and his brother Lorne) made a series of what were basically travel documentaries focused on the volcanic islands of Indonesia.
During the filming of these documentaries they stumbled upon a local healer with what appear to be abilities beyond the current understanding of science.
In addition to the video footage, in the past westerners have been able to seek out Chang and train under him. A Greek engineer did so for years and wrote a book trying to apply a scientific approach to what he witnessed and experienced. This book really shines an interesting light on not just the what observed in the video, but investigates possible answers for the how as well as just being a highly engrossing book.
PDF of the book:
I believe John Chang is by far the most convincing case of human potential exceeding the limits set by our current paradigms. A thorough look into him and the mystery around him is able to shine a light on the many dark and seemingly disconnected areas that conspiracy research takes us.
Wim Hof’s practice has a lot of overlap with this, as does g-Tummo yoga: