A while ago I asked if Supernatural gets better -- and it does! It starts getting good at Season 1 Episode 20. The first 19 were... filler. I suppose I would have liked them on a lazy Sunday afternoon at 3PM if my friends were busy.
Smith1980 says this a lot, at least obliquely, and I agree with him -- I wish they would do a Native American show based on Native American mythology with absolutely no mention of the white man. The natural beauty of the USA is phenomenal, but the Whites came in with an already forged idea that 'there be (no) dragons'.
(Capitalizes native American, uses lower case for White)
If you notice, though, I capitalized 'White' when used as a racial description. But in the phrase 'white man' it seems like more of an adjective, like it would with 'yellow man'.
You GOT ME fair and square my man
Glad you like it. Yea that would be cool. I grew up in Oklahoma so we had to learn a lot about Native Americans and from time to time Native American speakers would come and talk about their mythology.
You seem to read a lot -- are there any fiction books in a Native American or even (preferably) Mayan setting that are worth reading? Again -- without talking about whitey, and without 'strong female characters'. I found a few 'bandes dessinees', but I lost them when my hard-drive crashed.
To be honest, the standard angel/demon/knight/lady/werewolf/vampire axes of Christianity are enough for the next few centuries... but, as you know, they're being subverted before our eyes.
Can’t remember the name but it was an a fantasy anthology from years back. Although the most recent myth/legend I read was about the Wendigo.
Oh... any of them. This would all basically be new to me. I'd love it if a true afficianado of native lore could run a show without 'whitey bad/lesbian good' themes.