Eye color being different to both of them, of course skin color, resemblance to one of the mother's "friends"...
Eye color may be recessive - besides, he's black, she's black, eye color is very unlikely to be different even if she managed to get a white guy (extremely unlikely). 'Resemblance' is a joke. Babies don't look like adults.
Maybe they shouldn't make it so easy by being such awful people.
Women should stop committing all those rapes and murders, you say?
That the current family court system is untenable and the people ruined by it are looking for someone to blame, which scares women because they know it's them who should be.
The Waukesha guy should have targeted women instead of whites?
Imagine if he plowed through a women's march? There'd be endless coverage, they'd fabricate some "incel" views and demand that killing men was a human right.
Well, duh. If it were a white guy who did it to blacks, same thing.
Eye color may be recessive - besides, he's black, she's black, eye color is very unlikely to be different even if she managed to get a white guy (extremely unlikely). 'Resemblance' is a joke. Babies don't look like adults.
Women should stop committing all those rapes and murders, you say?
The Waukesha guy should have targeted women instead of whites?
Well, duh. If it were a white guy who did it to blacks, same thing.