So it's fine for men to get raped in prison where the average offence is something like burglary, but not women, despite their offences being far more violent in nature due to the Female Offender Strategy?
HELL NO! I need to drink their blood and plot a Genocide against them first, as a proud woman. You can take the girl out of the Sisterhood, but you can't take the Sisterhood out of the girl. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! WE ARE EVIL AND YOU CAN'T DO A THING ABOUT IT!
where the average offence is something like burglary
Good my lord, how many cases of prison rape of men are there in the United Femdom?
Cry me a river for the murderers and pedophiles.
Are you guaranteeing me that no woman who is not a pedo or a murderer is in prison? If not, are you justifying rape of those women by troons?
Page 28, it states that only women who need to be locked up for society's safety should be. That negates the possibility of anyone good ever being locked up.
102,250 women were prosecuted in 2017 alone over TV license fees.
Wow. England really is a meme country.
Unfortunately, you didn't prove what I asked. You just posted a red herring. Show me the statistics that show 0 women are imprisoned for any offense other than pedophilia and murder.
Ah, so the definition of 'TERF' is someone who doesn't want to put rapists in women's prisons?
Now I know why you're terrified. 99.99% of people are TERFs!
So it's fine for men to get raped in prison where the average offence is something like burglary, but not women, despite their offences being far more violent in nature due to the Female Offender Strategy?
Cry me a river for the murderers and pedophiles.
HELL NO! I need to drink their blood and plot a Genocide against them first, as a proud woman. You can take the girl out of the Sisterhood, but you can't take the Sisterhood out of the girl. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! WE ARE EVIL AND YOU CAN'T DO A THING ABOUT IT!
Good my lord, how many cases of prison rape of men are there in the United Femdom?
Are you guaranteeing me that no woman who is not a pedo or a murderer is in prison? If not, are you justifying rape of those women by troons?
insert Chad meme
Page 28, it states that only women who need to be locked up for society's safety should be. That negates the possibility of anyone good ever being locked up.
102,250 women were prosecuted in 2017 alone over TV license fees.
Wow. England really is a meme country.
Unfortunately, you didn't prove what I asked. You just posted a red herring. Show me the statistics that show 0 women are imprisoned for any offense other than pedophilia and murder.