In case you don't remember, the original animated Disney film was a train wreck of leftist shit that completely stripped the source material of everything that was culturally significant in it.
No longer did the lead become a saint who watched over and interceded for her siblings from heaven, but instead she ascended beyond her nature, like a transhumanist wet dream, leaving behind her penis-towered palace beneath the sea to be married to a vapid billionaire by a priest sporting a boner.
Sure, you may have really fond memories of its catchy tunes and cute sidekicks. That's expected of unthinking children.
So, yes, they race swapped a main character. But before they did that they raped a Christian fairytale of everything that made it good and turned it into trash. It was an entertaining cartoon for kids. It was not a significant part of western white heritage.
For most children, particularly boys, that's pretty much the only reason any of them enjoyed this movie, 'cause they sure as hell didn't give a crap about this princess and the guy that made her cloaca wet.
One thing I will give Disney slight credit for: they no longer name their movies after the classic stories they claim to be based on. They now just throw a single generic word on the box and call that the title. So now it doesn't feel like a sanitized version of a classic, and no one will mistake something like Frozen as an accurate telling of The Snow Queen (in fact, most won't even know it has anything to do with The Snow Queen at all).