White House Legislative Affairs Director Marc Short: If Donald Trump Didn't Believe Accusations Were Credible, Trump Would Be In Alabama Campaigning For Roy Moore
Sources for this quote,
Archived Today: https://archive.ph/MWZ8Z
Wayback Machine Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20180919114326/https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/11/19/whs_marc_short_if_trump_didnt_believe_womens_accusations_were_credible_he_would_be_down_campaigning_for_roy_moore.html
Source for Roy Moore winning a defemation case related to false statutory rape accusations.
Archived Today: https://archive.ph/W1qgq
Wayback Machine Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20220823101132/https://thefederalist.com/2022/08/23/roy-moores-defamation-case-victory-sends-a-message-about-the-actual-malice-standard/
This was the moment I realized the majority of the people have regressed so far into retardation they can't be trusted any longer for fucking anything.
The "smoking gun" of the accusation was a yearbook note. Written with a title that Moore did not possess at the time. Written in two different handwritings, and angles to the page. Loudly proclaimed in the media to totally be real which is why they only showed grayscale versions of it except for the first oopsie where they showed it was actually written in two different color inks.
"Republicans stayed home" Well done.
I think they cheated their ass off using that as cover