^Title, fuck the bastards they deserve what is coming.
Basically the reprisals I was interested in include breaking up companies and handing out nasty fines.
Most of these companies will not survive this due to arrests of globalist conspirators though, such as Epic Games due to Tim Sweeny as is generally believed to be one of those bastards, the seizure of PRC stocks will not help either. So yeah if you are a fan of Epic IP's then you should pretty much accept the franchises are fucked.
If DC and Marvel go under it will be no real loss due to a massive politically biased writing decline and the fact the franchises became stale.
The damage is already done. You have a massive swath of the population in urban centers, and within the youth, that truly believe anyone with success stole it from someone on the intersectionality stack. The antifa standing army is ready to strike at a moment's notice, and now operates as a terror cell network independently of each other.
There is no unringing that bell. Going after the institutions that created this mess now is only revenge but doesn't solve anything. Now, I'm a big fan of revenge, don't get me wrong, but the bigger problem won't be fixed by fines.
Exterminating those people in mass is part of the plan.