see, shortly after that comment, i went to sleep, and i thought perhaps it might not have been a good choice. i thought up of ways to make it up to ya when i'd see your reply, expecting something expressing concern at the fact that i equated praying to a wall with sacrificing babies. i was going to 'fix' the analogy, or make use of yours instead.
instead i see a little devil kike annoyed he didn't get his little game. God kept you homeless for thousands of years, shlomo, and when you forced your way back home, He peppers your lands with rockets and has a quarter of your population getting literally buttfucked by arabs. is it not clear He no longer has favor for you?
don't get so excited goyim
A weeb puts on a kimono and bows to an elder, he's suddenly Nipponese.
a satanist paints his face with blood and sacrifices a baby, he's suddenly of the devil...
You can't even play this game correctly. Dumb goy.
see, shortly after that comment, i went to sleep, and i thought perhaps it might not have been a good choice. i thought up of ways to make it up to ya when i'd see your reply, expecting something expressing concern at the fact that i equated praying to a wall with sacrificing babies. i was going to 'fix' the analogy, or make use of yours instead.
instead i see a little devil kike annoyed he didn't get his little game. God kept you homeless for thousands of years, shlomo, and when you forced your way back home, He peppers your lands with rockets and has a quarter of your population getting literally buttfucked by arabs. is it not clear He no longer has favor for you?