Anne Rice, the woman who talked about being a gay man trapped in a woman's body. She said that kind of stupid shit decades ago when the gender confusion craze was still splashing around in the shallow end of the kiddie pool.
There's nothing to subvert in her books or her characters. They were subversions in and of themselves.
I don't care who they cast. I don't care what race they choose. Anne Rice's books aren't worth defending.
Anne Rice, the woman who talked about being a gay man trapped in a woman's body. She said that kind of stupid shit decades ago when the gender confusion craze was still splashing around in the shallow end of the kiddie pool.
There's nothing to subvert in her books or her characters. They were subversions in and of themselves.
I don't care who they cast. I don't care what race they choose. Anne Rice's books aren't worth defending.