Leftist ideology is a tyranny over the majority by a coalition of minorities, so it makes sense that the wealthiest and most intelligent of those minorities would also be the creators and disseminators of leftist ideology. It really can’t happen any other way. There’s no universe in which a diaspora of intensely tribal people with great wealth and intelligence do not attempt to control the government and peoples of their host nations. The only question is to what extent those host peoples will tolerate such behavior.
Leftist ideology is a tyranny over the majority by a coalition of minorities, so it makes sense that the wealthiest and most intelligent of those minorities would also be the creators and disseminators of leftist ideology. It really can’t happen any other way. There’s no universe in which a diaspora of intensely tribal people with great wealth and intelligence do not attempt to control the government and peoples of their host nations. The only question is to what extent those host peoples will tolerate such behavior.