posted ago by TechParadox ago by TechParadox +14 / -1

GTA: Wokeness is in the development mix, and we have a fresh stack of takes on it and the latest batch of eye-roll-inducing woke news from the world of gaming, courtesy of Splash Damage:

Grand Theft Auto VI is in development, but don’t get too excited; according to reports, the upcoming entry in the popular franchise will no longer “punch down” at minorities. In other words, GTA VI won’t be the Grand Theft Auto series fans know and love for being an offensive and satirical take on politics and America. We discuss this groan-inducing news along with Kotaku getting upset at Stray and Quiet, Games for Change’s warped view of reality, As Dusk Fall’s spoiler-filled trigger warning, San Diego Comic Con using the term “Filipinx,” and more.

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