Does anyone know or what would your best guess be when it comes to the ratio of male/female readers of Sci-Fi/Fantasy? I would think fantasy appeals to more women whereas sci-fi appeals to more guys. I ask because my brother who is out of the nerd loop due to raising teen girls was telling me about an article about N.K. Jemison he read that was hyping her as the biggest name in sci-fi today and he was surprised since he felt she just peddles the usual left wing nonsense in entertainment. I then told him about the sad puppies movement and to avoid modern sci-fi and fantasy like the plague.
I am a huge reader and there are a lot of women who read heavily but like everything certain genres appeal to men more than women and vice versa.
Yea my eyes were opened too. Also I remember reading how the best selling sci fi books don’t get awards but if you are a female or non white you will get rewarded many times over based on that alone. Which is everything wrong with diversity for diversity sake. They don’t require these authors to have good stories