posted ago by TechParadox ago by TechParadox +11 / -2

Reminding us how much the woke hate successful, non-liberal, minority creators that don't follow the narrative, as well as how irate they get over the sight of digital boobs, it's the latest episode of Splash Damage:

Eric July is a libertarian who raised over $1.2 million in a day for an indie comic line he’s launching–one that will be decidedly not woke, like so many Marvel and DC comics are today. We discuss his wild success and what this means for nerd media along with The Watch trying to eliminate racism in gaming, Ubisoft continuing to be terrible, Bayonetta 3’s censored mode, Hideo Kojima being falsely identified as a political assassin, tokenism in the upcoming Game of Thrones prequel, and more.
Find the latest episode of Splash Damage on your favorite podcasting app, or click here to stream or here to download.
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Standard Disclaimer: I'm not Scrivonaut and I'm not associated with the podcast