On the off chance he manages to do this he'll end up dead. Pro life dudes don't have a cuckoldry fetish like the soy boys he usually associates with. They also tend to be armed.
His "argument" is that he'll rape your wife, and even if you kill him after the act, he might be able to cuck you by forcing your wife to bear his child. Or you'll abort the rape child, which means you are a hypocrite, which means all abortion should be legalized.
On the off chance he manages to do this he'll end up dead. Pro life dudes don't have a cuckoldry fetish like the soy boys he usually associates with. They also tend to be armed.
His "argument" is that he'll rape your wife, and even if you kill him after the act, he might be able to cuck you by forcing your wife to bear his child. Or you'll abort the rape child, which means you are a hypocrite, which means all abortion should be legalized.