This happened Saturday. 3 days ago. This is clearly an act of terrorism. The tranny was heading for the 3rd infantry division marching band, other parade members, and gunned it at the local police/sheriff. Watch and see if it shows up in any major news feeds. I only caught it as a side-panel from yahoo!news. Surprisingly, they were almost based in calling the tranny by his real name and He/Him. Other news outlets reported on this, but they've shadow-banned it from appearing unless you specifically look for it. - No mentions of motivation, no mention of tranny status, but video showed the mugshot. - More information on the attack. - MSN with mugshot and the pronoun police.
And wouldn't you know, this is the first I'm hearing of it.
If this had been an attack by a right winger, it would have been talked about endlessly, impossible to avoid.
Same. The MSM black out has never been more nigger.