Proving that Kotaku has zero awareness and still learned nothing from GamerGate over the years, it's the latest episode of Splash Damage:
Kotaku published an article last week not only defending proven abuser Amber Heard but comparing her experience to GamerGate, an eight-year-old push against unethical journalism. We discuss the lunacy of this piece along with Kotaku being jealous of virtual women, Bungie bungling a Juneteenth cosmetic, PCGamer’s hate boner for Elon Musk, Diablo Immortal’s predatory practices, the Xbox Games Showcase, and plenty more.
Find the latest episode of Splash Damage on your favorite podcasting app, or click here to stream or here to download.
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Standard disclaimer: I'm not Scrivonaut and I'm not associated with the podcast
It's worth noting that the whole "Bonobo" thing was an error on 343's part due to someone not checking the thing to make sure that placeholder assets were removed before the content was pushed live. A shockingly tone-deaf error, but a mistake nonetheless.
As far as the Amber Heard thing goes, the article on Kotaku was more of the same BS defense of Heard from the stance of women not being believed, yadda yadda yadda. More appeal from emotion that completely ignores the facts of the case. They bring a good point that if she hadn't been found guilty of defamation it would have been an even bigger blow against people reporting abuse - from the male end of the spectrum. You'd think that the wokies would be happy for anything that empowers the abused to report their abusers, but nobody on their side of things gives a shit about men being abused.
It is the same thing
Gamergate was about fighting abusive, lying, narcissistic women. Amber Heard is the same thing.
I remember the anti-gamergater on my feed (a guy pathetically) going on about how it eas nobodies business who that girl waa cheating with. Like, outright insanity.
While the parties involved in a consenting sex act between adults really isn't any of our business, it definitely becomes our business once there's a breach of ethics involved. For all I cared she could have been spreading and letting the entire staff of every gaming site out there run a train on her, but once it became known that he was throwing her positive press without disclosing their relationship, that becomes a problem.
Every day they bring the ghost of GamerGate back up is one where I continue to wonder how the hell we let them get so entrenched that they control the narrative to the degree that they do.