I got into death metal around ~2000. At that point I reached the incredibly named anus.com.* Y'all might laugh, but this was a super reactionary place at that point. I'll always remember the triggering moment for me: a simple question of whether culture determined race (social constructionism), or whether race determined culture. Just that possibility led me down a rabbit hole that never ceased. My nasty right-wing thoughts ever permeated, and after a touch of Sowell, I was done for.
*These days, some of the reviews on the old website are available at deathmetal.org.
--- a little drunk, so including some links:
**Never stopped creating and being into metal. Recent album from me: https://youtu.be/s3t07Bm_xYc
***and some beautiful metal from one of my favorite metal bands - no worries about wokeness here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX08XkWW7HU&t=1759s
**** and some more nice black metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIkL52qlcHA
Some behaviors needs to be controlled.
Trannies and faggots need to be forced to stop publicly expressing their fetish because they can't help but go after children if they aren't. Criminals need to be controlled by denying them the opportunities to commit crimes, even if that means controlling actions that are not in themselves specifically harmful such as loitering or panhandling.
That's being a radical. When society has reached such depths, it's radical to swim for the surface.