In regards to the whole gay pride thing, it has become apparent that it was irrecoverably ruined due to the fact regressive leftists have taken over the gay community and drove everyone else out, and also because everyone who started gay pride has gone regressive such as flag designer Gilbert Baker, tainting the popularly accepted symbol of homosexuality with terrorism.
Because of this corruption it is time to end all the gay pride crap, including the parades that now allow exhibitionist streaking and sexual contact.
Pride seems to be all about degeneracy. I see pics from the parades and I don't see people who love eachother, just people who want to fuck eachother. They dance around scantily clad while corporate virtuesignalers show off their latest rainbow logo. "we support you or whatever, BUY OUR CRAP!".
Over the years I've accepted gays and the like, and have voted to make their rights the same as mine. But FUCK pride, it's doing them no favors.