Are you fucking high? This is just clips of Duncan Trussel's (drug enthusiast extraordinaure) podcast, put to animation. It is in no way for, or aimed at, children. It is for DUDE WEED, failure to launch, 20yos.
There is almost no production value, oh and it's fucking old, try harder.
When you show animation in the thumbnail, and put "from the people behind Adventure Time" parents automatically assume it's for kids. The supposed intended target audience doesn't fucking matter, this was going to be watched by kids.
The article was written yesterday and the confirmation came out on the 3rd. Stick it up your ass, cunt, this is new.
Are you fucking high? This is just clips of Duncan Trussel's (drug enthusiast extraordinaure) podcast, put to animation. It is in no way for, or aimed at, children. It is for DUDE WEED, failure to launch, 20yos.
There is almost no production value, oh and it's fucking old, try harder.
When you show animation in the thumbnail, and put "from the people behind Adventure Time" parents automatically assume it's for kids. The supposed intended target audience doesn't fucking matter, this was going to be watched by kids.
The article was written yesterday and the confirmation came out on the 3rd. Stick it up your ass, cunt, this is new.