I haven't even started HrT yet because I know come 2024 President DeSantis and the republican congress will ban it.
Man, it wasn't even 24 hours ago that I wrote post that dovetails with this.
Quoting myself from another thread:
Everyone thinks circumcision is about reducing the pleasure of masturbation, and that's true, but it also serves the important purpose of making converts to Judaism and Islam sacrifice something they can never get back. That sacrifice - literally skin in the game - helps keep them dedicated to the cult even when they begin second guess it. It incentivizes their commitment by making it impossible to leave unmarked, without facing up to having forever lost a part of themselves.
This is so powerful that many trans people choose suicide over de-transition.
The troon population has increased by something like 3000% in ten years. That's a lot of people who've joined a religion with a flesh sacrifice hazing ritual. These people aren't going to want to return to a world where they're viewed as the aberrations they are. They can't, because there's nothing left for them in that world, because of their mutilation.
These people will die before they accept a return to rationality.
This guy is playing the game the other way around; He wants to join the cult, but first he wants a stronger guarantee that they're going to be the winning team long term. Because he knows that going troon and then waking up a ten years down the line in world where there aren't tranny rainbow flags everywhere, where a woman is an adult human female, and they are a freakshow pervert (Y'know. As things were just 15 years ago).
He knows that would make his transition a bad deal, because he does not have the vanishingly rare condition of gender dysphoria. He's an autogynephilic masturbator.
Man, it wasn't even 24 hours ago that I wrote post that dovetails with this.
Quoting myself from another thread:
This guy is playing the game the other way around; He wants to join the cult, but first he wants a stronger guarantee that they're going to be the winning team long term. Because he knows that going troon and then waking up a ten years down the line in world where there aren't tranny rainbow flags everywhere, where a woman is an adult human female, and they are a freakshow pervert (Y'know. As things were just 15 years ago).
He knows that would make his transition a bad deal, because he does not have the vanishingly rare condition of gender dysphoria. He's an autogynephilic masturbator.