From the comments, this "accidents" are caused by climate change and/ or Covid and they go further to say that the vaccine saved them although no one was confirmed as having Covid.
Yes. You see, even if they shed their mortal coil, their immortal soul will forever bask in the eternal light of Saint Fauci, masks be upon him. This is because they took the holy Pfizer juice and saved grandma (who finally died, alone and disoriented in a nursing home, after not seeing a live human face for two years.)
Those who refused the sacred vaccine and/or a booster every three months will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity.
Now, brother, let us pray:
The Vaccine is Safe and Effective.
The chest pain and gangrene mean it's working.
Covid-19 is a deadly disease.
We must vaccinate toddlers to save grandma from the virus we were giddily calling The Boomer Destroyer before the nice men on TV told us otherwise.
From the comments, this "accidents" are caused by climate change and/ or Covid and they go further to say that the vaccine saved them although no one was confirmed as having Covid.
Only one died and 16 are in the hospital, the comments were saying that those in the hospital would have been dead if it was not for the vaccine.
Not by much, is still an incredibly stupid argument to make
Yes. You see, even if they shed their mortal coil, their immortal soul will forever bask in the eternal light of Saint Fauci, masks be upon him. This is because they took the holy Pfizer juice and saved grandma (who finally died, alone and disoriented in a nursing home, after not seeing a live human face for two years.)
Those who refused the sacred vaccine and/or a booster every three months will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity.
Now, brother, let us pray:
Amen, awomen, and nonbinary apersyns.