As with so many aspects of life, Black adults serve multiple roles in schools—and not all of them are visible. Children of color are, widely, more academically successful when they have a Black principal, and that success continues down the ladder. Black students who learned from a Black teacher in elementary school are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college—13% more likely if they had one Black teacher, and more than double that at 32% if they had at least two.
So much for that "diversity is our strength" deal you always harp on about. You've argued in favor of segregation with this paragraph, stating that blacks can only succeed if they have their own schools staffed by their own people. Actually, no, more than that, you've implied black superiority over all the other minorities by outright stating that all pee-oh-sees benefit from a black principal, implying that a black authority figure is better for an Indian, Native American, Latin American, or East-Asian student than one matching their own race would be.
It's bullshit though. The vast majority of kids in school do not give a fuck about the principal. Most kids will never meet the asshole in person, and those that do are most definitely academically screwed anyway. To most, the principal is just that fucker who delivers a canned speech for the usual assemblies that no one wants to be in. Ditto for the teachers; most students don't want to put up with them and will never respect them no matter what race they are. And in this day and age, the vast majority of faculty doesn't give a fuck about the students either.
“Who’s going to address our trauma? Who’s going to address our social emotional needs?” Seward says. “We’re supposed to be OK because we’re the adults.”
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SO-CALLED TRAUMA YOU'RE DEALING WITH?! This article didn't cite one specific thing to cause stress and trauma for teachers. The closest it says is the difficulty of having to transition to remote-learning. Yeah, I'll bet you dealt with a lot of trauma and stress sitting in front of a computer at home. Probably because you had to divide your attention between that and your Netflix binge.
So much for that "diversity is our strength" deal you always harp on about. You've argued in favor of segregation with this paragraph, stating that blacks can only succeed if they have their own schools staffed by their own people. Actually, no, more than that, you've implied black superiority over all the other minorities by outright stating that all pee-oh-sees benefit from a black principal, implying that a black authority figure is better for an Indian, Native American, Latin American, or East-Asian student than one matching their own race would be.
It's bullshit though. The vast majority of kids in school do not give a fuck about the principal. Most kids will never meet the asshole in person, and those that do are most definitely academically screwed anyway. To most, the principal is just that fucker who delivers a canned speech for the usual assemblies that no one wants to be in. Ditto for the teachers; most students don't want to put up with them and will never respect them no matter what race they are. And in this day and age, the vast majority of faculty doesn't give a fuck about the students either.
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SO-CALLED TRAUMA YOU'RE DEALING WITH?! This article didn't cite one specific thing to cause stress and trauma for teachers. The closest it says is the difficulty of having to transition to remote-learning. Yeah, I'll bet you dealt with a lot of trauma and stress sitting in front of a computer at home. Probably because you had to divide your attention between that and your Netflix binge.