Spending all our time on race will eventually make us negasjw. It is much better to build up our own communities then turning into eventual bizarro pinkohairs.
You have the aptly named CP place for that retarded nonsense. That place is like browsing some reddit communist blaming whites for everything. Go there.
THis is some gay shit. if you dont like a faggot keep it in pms. This place aint gamergayzi.
Yeah I don't like posts that single people out like this.
I'm not one of his sympathizers by any means but it feels like a violation of decorum.
Posts directed to RDJ and Imp1 give this place a tiresome, cliquey vibe that undermines our discussion. It's juvenile.
Getting banned for calling out Jewish bullshit derails our countries. It's juvenile.
Spending all our time on race will eventually make us negasjw. It is much better to build up our own communities then turning into eventual bizarro pinkohairs.
You have the aptly named CP place for that retarded nonsense. That place is like browsing some reddit communist blaming whites for everything. Go there.