Ghandi comes to mind.
I think it would be a wonderful idea.
- when asked what he thought about western civilization.
Groucho Marx - do I even gotta give an example?
Ghandi comes to mind.
I think it would be a wonderful idea.
Groucho Marx - do I even gotta give an example?
Ben Franklin, whose "Poor Richard's Almanac" was full of pithy quotes. Lots of them serious, but then you have stuff like "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." or “Tis a great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults; greater to tell him his.”
Ben trolled Titan Leeds for years in that almanac. Including publishing a fake obituary for him after predicting his death, then claimed the alive man publishing still was just a ghost or impersonator before finally congratulating him on stopping the charade when he actually died.
Its absolutely ridiculous chantard level shit from a founding father.
We all know Benjamin Franklin founded America purely for the memes
That motherfucker was based