For endomorphs, most starchy carbs should be consumed around and after the workout time to prevent the high sugar spike that leads to weight gain.
This means eating carbs should be done mostly during the workout days.
guess when is her workout day? never!
guess when she is eating carbs? always!
She embraces the word 'fat' and advocates that people should be able to eat as much and whatever they want without suffering from social ostracism. (wikipedia)
in other words: idiots should have the right to self-harm, and everbody else should be forced to "be nice" (and pay taxes to support the idiots)
tess holliday at disney
(google reverse image search)
aka: endomorph + highcarb = fat
guess when is her workout day? never!
guess when she is eating carbs? always!
in other words: idiots should have the right to self-harm, and everbody else should be forced to "be nice" (and pay taxes to support the idiots)