trafficking in hate speech and dangerous scientific theories
This paternalistic horseshit and the casual way it's referred to makes me want to spew.
"Hate speech" does not exist. This term must be singled out for ridicule at all times.
The idea of a "dangerous scientific theory" is the equivalent of a thought crime. If you dare to propose a hypothesis that challenges the truth claims of a sacred cow you are subject to denouncement or worse. Just look at transgenderism. See Pinker's essay "In Defense of Dangerous Ideas."
This paternalistic horseshit and the casual way it's referred to makes me want to spew.
"Hate speech" does not exist. This term must be singled out for ridicule at all times.
The idea of a "dangerous scientific theory" is the equivalent of a thought crime. If you dare to propose a hypothesis that challenges the truth claims of a sacred cow you are subject to denouncement or worse. Just look at transgenderism. See Pinker's essay "In Defense of Dangerous Ideas."