To be honest, I see what they were going on about. Your bigotry is altering your perception of reality here. This article was fairly neutral in regards to 'draft dodgers'. Which, you'll remember, many on the Left are draft dodgers. The tone of the piece explicitly allows people who are avoiding conscription to mention that they are feeling persecuted, and the reporter does not follow up with significant negative framing or judgement.
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
To be honest, I see what they were going on about. Your bigotry is altering your perception of reality here. This article was fairly neutral in regards to 'draft dodgers'. Which, you'll remember, many on the Left are draft dodgers. The tone of the piece explicitly allows people who are avoiding conscription to mention that they are feeling persecuted, and the reporter does not follow up with significant negative framing or judgement.