I don't know why we're taking Mother Jones seriously.
Anyways, the study is both a) more informative, b) proves the uselessness of the study:
First, no other racial groups was tested in this study. This is what allows Mother Jones to slander white people, by allowing the reader to assume that any other race would have done differently.
Here's what they actually concluded:
Our findings show that when COVID-19 racial disparities are highlighted, it can decrease White U.S. residents’ willingness to engage in safety precautions themselves and support for policies protecting public health.
Basically, the white people in this study decided they were less likely to change their behavior to be more afraid of Covid when it effects people who aren't them more.
No shit.
The less impact something is, the less likely you are going to be to respond to it.
I don't know why we're taking Mother Jones seriously.
Anyways, the study is both a) more informative, b) proves the uselessness of the study:
First, no other racial groups was tested in this study. This is what allows Mother Jones to slander white people, by allowing the reader to assume that any other race would have done differently.
Here's what they actually concluded:
Basically, the white people in this study decided they were less likely to change their behavior to be more afraid of Covid when it effects people who aren't them more.
No shit.
The less impact something is, the less likely you are going to be to respond to it.