Just so we're clear: I've been waiting for the next recession for over a decade. I'm the one who talked about shorting stocks of the Fabian Socialist capital, back on the original KiA.
I said it before, but now I must insist: BE THE PINECONE
The mortgage industry is facing complete collapse. This is a result of most of the industry trying to focus on refinancing, rather than purchases. Now due to inflation, builders can't build homes. Prices are going up, and now interest rates are being cut. What that means is that people are going to start struggling to even pay their mortgages. What that means is that the Mortgage Backed Securities are going to start becoming unprofitable. What that means is that everything that depends on those MBS to be profitable is going to fail. And what depends on those MBS's? Everything. Government bonds, pensions, treasuries, sovereign debt, retirement funds... everything.
There is a world wide cost of living crisis due to inflationary policy. The Fed is making signals that it's going to try and fight inflation, by basically tanking the entire stock market. Frankly, if they were to do this, it wouldn't even be wrong. They no longer have much of a choice because they put it off too long. More likely, they won't until it's too late and the whole world economy really does fall off a cliff and they won't be able to stop it. Worse, the government backers of these mortgages are basically saying they won't be backing most mortgages anymore. Without that, no bank is willing to risk making a 30 year, hundred thousand dollar loan, to Joe Blow from Kokomo, who has a credit rating of 580. The mortgage industry is dead. That means the foundation of the entire debt system goes with it. That's what retirements, pensions, and sovereign debt rely on. If you keep all the lumberjacks home for a year, you will get a wood shortage the next year, and a furniture shortage after that. The mortgage industry works the same way; and the mortgage industry is financing everyone's stock market.
How dead is it? Go onto a search engine of your choice, and search "mortgage layoffs". Every major mortgage company has been laying off people like mad for a couple months now. 10%, 20%, 30% of all staff. This is because there's not enough homes, not enough borrowers, not enough people who can pay the loans, and now very soon everyone's interest payments are going to jump. Foreclosures will start to increase, and then there's nothing that can stop the inevitable. The Perennial Gale of Creative Destruction will not be denied. A market of lies must correct to reality.
This isn't like the Great Recession, because the truth is that in the Great Recession, a lot of people were too stupid to see the truth. I don't think anyone who matters is missing the signals now. Everyone's reacting aggressively to try and get to a seat before the music stops, and they all know it's coming. Nobody just wants to say it out loud because it's scary, and people are already scared, and the market would react even worse to fear.
But you know why I've been waiting for this for a decade? Because good, nice, clean people with middle class incomes lost fucking everything and asked under-class me if they could live in my garage. People with kids. Whole neighborhoods were abandoned. People lost futures. People lost hope.
I don't want that to happen to you.
Any of you. Even the retards among us. It's terrible and I want you to be okay.
So, here's what we do.
- Prep for hard times
- Save your money
- Grow through the collapse
Prep for hard times: get you're supply of food. Get your supply of heating items. Just get it now and put in storage however you can. Make arrangements for the winter, however you need to. I'm not saying it will turn into mad max, and it won't. But I am saying that 1 month of emergency rations will certainly help. It's going to be hard times for everyone, but you're NOT going to be the person caught with nothing.
Save your money: slow your spending on frivolous shit unless that shit can be sold as a useful asset later. Start pulling cash out of the bank now so you have it on the side, just in case someone gets the idea to restrict withdraw limits from your bank accounts. Gold, Silver, Crypto, I don't really care which one you do or don't like, you might as well have some of each. I rely on you to make the best decision for you on that front.
Grow through the collapse: this is a hard lesson. During collapse is the time where the most real growth will take place. Not through good times. The elites know this, and they are positioning themselves to be the beneficiaries of the largest transfer of wealth in human history. Hunkering down is good for a bit, but you are going to need to seize opportunities and take risks during the collapse. You actually get rewarded the most at that time. If you have a skill, get paid for it, and prove you're indispensable. If you see an opportunity that's not being taken advantage of, seize on it. This is actually the time you need to streamline, become more efficient, and be more aggressive. If it's not making you money, influence, or career advancement, why are you doing it? Advance your career by as you need to, and take responsibility from others who aren't pulling their weight, or seem lost. Don't wait for them to self-correct. Become the pillar of your own little communities that people can trust and go to for advice.
This is the essence of being the pinecone.
The Great Collapse will burn away all the brush, and if we have prepared ourselves properly, we will open up from the heat of the fire, root in the ash, and we will rise again
Fuck the Black Pills. Everyone's called me crazy already. Maybe I'm deluded. Maybe I'm a lunatic. Hell, let's assume I am.
But I believe in you, and you should to.
When we look back on our own histories, I don't want you to remember that you were the victim in this story. I want you to look back and see yourself as the hero.
When all this is over, I want you to remember what you accomplished when everyone, and everything, collapsed. I want you to remember that reading this post made you start thinking about how you would be the pillar of your friends and family, and we bore our crosses, and re-built our civilization on our backs.
Be the pinecone.
Very good read and I agree. Been prepping for a year now and I've been awaken since 2020. I'm black pilled at this point. I've gone extremely deep in the rabbit hole but I'm still trying. Thank you for posting this. It shows you care. team humanity.
Black pills get no mercy with me.
The collapse is a good thing. It is the world correcting itself. The truth demanding an audit of reality. Waste is removed, production is rewarded, and the hard times will bring about strong men.
We're gonna learn the hard way, but we will learn.
not asking for mercy but I get it. Staying strong but I know a lifetime full of "fuck" is yet to come. It's a harsh reality knowing that the majority of the leaders or those that have influence are bought out. What we're seeing is how the love of money and greed is corrupting the world and how our neighbors, parents and loved ones are being poisoned and still have no idea. reminds me of a ant problem in my home:
Bought ant traps. Ants represent the normies who can't handle the truth and just want to stay ignorant. They (the ants) waltz right into the trap even though they have no idea what it is the world just walks right into it. The ants slow their movement not realizing they've been poisoned (insert Bill Gates frown grin here). If it isn't the jabs, it's been the foods, we knew that already. The shit in the air falling into the water we try hard to filter out. The fake false flag attacks with the recalls on tons of meat, the planned fires of food plants and hollywood as a distraction with social media news and Elon controlled opposition Musk with his asshamburger having ass.
There is only so much gold and silver one can stash along with food and water. Georgia guide stones is still a thing and reality is we can and will stay strong but we're going to die regardless. Our world will eventually look like movies I Am Legend and Wall-E. There is no escaping this. The answer isn't political. WEF, CDC, Vanguard, Blackrock the list goes on but all these fucks are controlling the stage. They may be sloppy at times but we see and feel the shift on what they promised to do. They lay it all out in our faces and laugh. Stay strong and do the best you can with what you have. Careful of that cloud money crypto. Don't be surprised that it was created by the CIA to get people warmed up to the federal digital coin and ID. Get your profits and get out is my point. While people hold onto cloud money it's as good as nothing when the grid goes down.
You get mercy. Black pills don't.
You've black pilled yourself into far to ridiculous of a situation. Worst case scenario is the 1930's. Not I am Legend.
The accidents at food plants are not intentional attacks. It's just that food storage and refining is actually highly flammable. For example, Here's coffee creamer. Here's a Doritos chip.
And while I see people doing conspiracy theories about food processing plant fires, I dont see anyone talking about the much more common and violent grain elevator explosions. Because as it turns out, grain dust is extremely flammable/explosive, even if you follow every rule.