"No one uses a "/s" but Reddit niggerfaggots. Would that describe you?"
It's called a sarcasm tag, it's used because tone is not portrayed through text without using extreme language such as "niggerfaggots". It predates Reddit by at least a decade. Sorry, I was unaware that you were the gate keeper, deciding all on your own, who can and can not speak, where they come from, what their skin color is, sexual orientation, disposition of character, websites of choice. And you say you manged to do this by seeing the text "/s"?
Well, I didn't realized this, because it is a fantasy inside your own head.
archive.today is what we primarily use around here.
There is no 'we', there is no 'here'. You speak for no one other than yourself. Why do I have to explain this to you? Do I really have to explain to you, that you are an individual?
"It's down on occasion but doesn't seem to restrict its archives."
Well when that happens, it's a good thing we have a backup in the Wayback Machine.
Speaking of tone. Pick one. It doesn't have to be consistent across your entire existence, but shoot for more than single sentence paragraphs, that switches instantly to informative ones, within the same reply. Otherwise you just come off as a sperging phonetard.
It's called a sarcasm tag, it's used because tone is not portrayed through text without using extreme language such as "niggerfaggots". It predates Reddit by at least a decade. Sorry, I was unaware that you were the gate keeper, deciding all on your own, who can and can not speak, where they come from, what their skin color is, sexual orientation, disposition of character, websites of choice. And you say you manged to do this by seeing the text "/s"?
Well, I didn't realized this, because it is a fantasy inside your own head.
There is no 'we', there is no 'here'. You speak for no one other than yourself. Why do I have to explain this to you? Do I really have to explain to you, that you are an individual?
Well when that happens, it's a good thing we have a backup in the Wayback Machine.
Speaking of tone. Pick one. It doesn't have to be consistent across your entire existence, but shoot for more than single sentence paragraphs, that switches instantly to informative ones, within the same reply. Otherwise you just come off as a sperging phonetard.
Amazing. You just used logic. Now which backup resources would you recommend to a niggerfaggot retard such as myself?