Comedy, I’d always opined, is simply tragedy plus time
Is this guy really taking credit for a common phrase?
Love the shirt, I said, with a complicit smirk.
I absolutely hate this writing style. It's like fan fiction. This guy is a professional writer?
Actually, the whole thing reads like fan fiction. This guy gets praise, everyone loves him, he's so talented but doesn't acknowledge it out of some misplaced sense of humility, etc. I had to cut myself off about 1/4 through cause I couldn't take the writing style anymore. Satire or not, that was awful.
Like I say, my hunch is he's either a delusional nut living his fantasies out on a blog, who has maybe got a single real writing credit in his entire life.
Or it's the most successfully nauseating troll jobs I've read in a while.
Him actually being a professional writer is third most likely behind those two.
I have a hunch this nutjob's "SNL writing" takes up a whole lot less of his time than his "table waiting" or "writing long rambling blogs about his imaginary writer's job and talking about his boss' 12 y/o daughter's period" do.
Is this guy really taking credit for a common phrase?
I absolutely hate this writing style. It's like fan fiction. This guy is a professional writer?
Actually, the whole thing reads like fan fiction. This guy gets praise, everyone loves him, he's so talented but doesn't acknowledge it out of some misplaced sense of humility, etc. I had to cut myself off about 1/4 through cause I couldn't take the writing style anymore. Satire or not, that was awful.
Like I say, my hunch is he's either a delusional nut living his fantasies out on a blog, who has maybe got a single real writing credit in his entire life.
Or it's the most successfully nauseating troll jobs I've read in a while.
Him actually being a professional writer is third most likely behind those two.