During her appearance at Washington University, Sotomayor — who has diabetes, putting her at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 — thanked the audience for wearing masks to help keep her safe before she stepped off the stage to mingle while answering questions from Chancellor Andrew D. Martin and students.
Sooo she stood on a stage making people wear masks then walked off to mingle without a mask.
"I realized that is what my mother taught me, which is you're going to differ in views with people and some of the views are going to be or feel offensive to you," Sotomayor said. "Sensitive issues around racism can be very, very hard, particularly if you feel someone's attacking your integrity as a person or your work as a person."
The misgivings she mentioned about her intelligence and the questioning of her qualifications during her confirmation process "cut me to the quick," she said, despite "coming from Princeton with the honors I received there, going to Yale, doing fairly well, being a district court judge and a circuit court judge."
"The reality is, that for some people, you're a minority," she continued "They believe that affirmative action opened the door for you. They forget that you don't judge a person by who opens the door; you judge them by what they did when they went through the door."
You repeatedly drag the constitution across your fat diabetic ass and then cry victim?
Sooo she stood on a stage making people wear masks then walked off to mingle without a mask.
You repeatedly drag the constitution across your fat diabetic ass and then cry victim?