77 Why does Your vaccine status determine your view on Ukraine? Hysterical vs calm? (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 2 years ago by NotAGlowy 2 years ago by NotAGlowy +77 / -0 91 comments download share 91 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I thought we were talking about Russia. When did Russia change the name to Israel?
Oh, is this whataboutism?
Fake news
Which is what you are doing to Jews now.
[citation needed] I can assure you, it is not true. But you need whataboutism to defend yourself. We will focus entirely on Russia here.
simples, don't behave like one.
That is exactly what he is doing.
I think this is the fourth time I quote this, and second on this very thread: https://kotakuinaction2.win/p/142Arb8eht/x/c/4OUhcuzoUhL
Whataboutism is not a valid argument or counterargument.