I'd recommend Jordan Peterson's take on Bill 67 from a couple days ago instead with law professor Bruce Pardy, journalist Barbara Kay and professor David Haskell
It is more blackpilled, but shorter and more focused
I watched Viva Frei in your link last night and it was a terrible watch.
Two hours long, poorly structured and Viva lost control of the interview and allowed the unlikable Jim Karahalios New Blue Ontario leader to turn the episode into a campaign ad, talk over his wife who is the actual sitting MPP and bitch about all of his enemies constantly.
I'd recommend Jordan Peterson's take on Bill 67 from a couple days ago instead with law professor Bruce Pardy, journalist Barbara Kay and professor David Haskell
It is more blackpilled, but shorter and more focused
I watched Viva Frei in your link last night and it was a terrible watch.
Two hours long, poorly structured and Viva lost control of the interview and allowed the unlikable Jim Karahalios New Blue Ontario leader to turn the episode into a campaign ad, talk over his wife who is the actual sitting MPP and bitch about all of his enemies constantly.