“I really do believe that. Again, without sounding too pretentious, I just think that is one of the things that art categorically is socially, societally incredibly important for at every level, at every level.”
You sound incredibly pretentious.
Acting is not important, at any level. Children are capable of doing it. It's not special or unique.
Do you have some special training that qualifies you to make this proclamation? Or, is this the kind of thing you have to say out loud and often in order to remain relevant in your tribe?
Sherlock was modern woke garbage. How many things do you have to ruin before you'll be satisfied?
“I really do believe that. Again, without sounding too pretentious, I just think that is one of the things that art categorically is socially, societally incredibly important for at every level, at every level.”
You sound incredibly pretentious.
Acting is not important, at any level. Children are capable of doing it. It's not special or unique.
Do you have some special training that qualifies you to make this proclamation? Or, is this the kind of thing you have to say out loud and often in order to remain relevant in your tribe?
Sherlock was modern woke garbage. How many things do you have to ruin before you'll be satisfied?
“I really do believe that. Again, without sounding too pretentious..”
Imma stop you right there.