posted ago by Gizortnik ago by Gizortnik +64 / -1

(My old flair is more prescient with each passing day)

So, I defeated a DIE initiative at work through, and I think it's easy enough to replicate.

Here's the list of objectives:

  • Build managerial rapport
  • Educate to create a foundation for objection
  • Enact broken windows policing
  • Multi-directional Memetic attacks on Leftism
  • Convert your enemy

I'm not saying that this will work in all of your situations, but I think that this is an excellent ground game. It's taken me about 6 months of subtle and off-and-on maneuvers, but the more subtle the efforts the more resilience to subversion you are building up.

Step 1: Build managerial rapport

I have a comfortable relationship with my supervisor. He knows I support him well as a subordinate, and he can trust me with problems. He trusts me and my decision making. That's the start. I didn't hide my red-pilling, but I kept my power level low. I've openly said I don't tell people to go to college, and I don't want to engage in the debt-based monetary system. I'm not ranting about politics at work. I'm a partisan, but I'm not a zealot. Moreover, I'm a partisan who announces his own bias when he has one. I explicitly told my manager, "you'll hear from me well ahead of time if I have serious objections. I'll literally tell you about Red Flags." I told him one of my Red Flags was racism.

Step 2: Educate a foundation for objection

That was well over a year ago. I told him, maybe 6 months ago, during monthly counseling that I had to fly a red flag because I heard some rhetoric that could become a problem. Basically a new sub-manager made a comment about the need for diversity and inclusion. HR explicitly said they wanted us to register our race in our payroll system. The HR department literally pushed communist memes (you know the one with the baseball field, but this one was equality-equity-abolition). I work with middle-class normies. They have no idea how serious the threat is, but you can't just start screaming about Cultural Marxism. I mentioned only that I was nervous about racial registration. Make up good buzzwords, you know they do. About 3 months ago, the sub-manager brought up the importance of the race of the new hires. Everyone else responded with the normal "It doesn't matter what color they are as long as they do the work." I brought it up to the manager to say the same, but to also introduce a short and unbiased history lesson about the differences between the Malcolm X and MLK branches of the Civil Rights Movement. The sub-manager was not saying "default liberal" rhetoric, so I explained where that rhetoric would have originated historically. I focused on making my objection not political: "It's not my place to deal with people's ideas. I'd just like you to keep your eye on it because it could hurt the cohesion of the team".

Step 3: Enact broken windows policing

If you don't confront minor shit when it happens, you won't be able to confront the major shit when it falls on your neck. Take subtle opportunities, not to inject politics, but to explain your philosophy or position. When the sub-manager says, "we need to focus on diversity", you say "I don't care as long as they can do the work." If they say "we should do pronouns in the bio", you say "I don't mind if they guess when they call me." If they say, "We should have a Universal Basic Income", you say, "I'd rather have a job to sell my work experience." Don't argue, just state your case, and let them take the bait. Offer up the chance for them to attack you like a lunatic over a personal opinion that is utterly unoffensive. Remember, don't do this at the last minute. You should be doing this whenever the topic of conversation comes up. Just like you might offer up your favorite food in small talk. If the small talk becomes political, make your private political position identifiable. And remember, don't let it go further than small talk unless it's someone on our side who wants to dive in. Just keep it small talk and that will be enough to prevent Leftist subversives from claiming they have hegemony.

Step 4: Multi-directional Memetic attacks on Leftism

"Everyone is diverse." I heard my department head use that phrase and holy shit is that smart. I'm preaching to the choir if I start talking about the need to oppose diversity, inclusion, and equity. However, the real world ain't the fuckin' choir. Let's establish some baselines for using memes as a weapon to undermine a Leftist objective. Run individualism as a counter to Leftist collectivism: when they want to talk about groups, focus on talking about the individuals instead. Run uniqueness as a counter to diversity: Each individual is unique, therefore each individual is diverse. See the previous point. Run professional collectivism to counter Leftist balkanization: point out professional teamwork can be undermined by identity politics. Run professional exclusion as a counter to Leftist inclusion: some things shouldn't be included because they are inappropriate or unprofessional. Run moral inclusion to counter Leftist exclusion: it's morally unacceptable to previously claim inclusion, only to turn around and say 'das racist'.

That last one is a fucking death-knell, because that fucked the sub-manager up so bad she asked if we should do a White History Month... as part of her Black History Month agenda.

Force them to be totally inclusive, then turn around and complain that their inclusion was unprofessional or immoral.

... technically that counts as crying out when I ask them to strike me but fuck you it works.

Step 5: Convert your enemy.

"I know it was you who objected to Black History Month." I don't think I'm ever gonna forget that phone call.

I didn't by the way. I objected to the fact that "increased intentionality on heritage" would lead to racial division within the team. Especially when someone who was your classic 60% German, 30% Polish, 5% Scandinavian, 4% Czech, 1% Native American was told: "No, you gotta pick one." I never said we shouldn't do Black History Month... we just didn't. Meh, that's what you get for Juneteenth and all the other fake holidays like Kwanza :p

And no, that wasn't what the call was about, it was something else, the sub-manager had just been holding that in for a while. And that's actually the point. Most of the Useful Idiots on the Left are held there by "politics" that is nothing more than a rationalization of their own emotional problems. That's really what radicalization is. As we spoke through the call, what became obvious (as the sub-manager was venting) was that they were insecure. So, I focused on being affable enough to set them at ease, and gave them confidence that I wasn't undermining their authority. (I was undermining their political objectives, but I didn't say that). And yes, I did take that to their manager. I didn't do it in a demeaning or punitive way. I did that intentionally as way of improving the sub-manager's emotional resilience. I specifically told the lead manager that I think the sub-manager may have felt stressed and insecure of their own authority, and that might need to be a focus on helping them gain more self-confidence.

And no, I do actually mean that. Emotional stoicism, financial stability, maturity, responsibility, discipline, all of these basic things are fundamentally anti-Leftist because they make people less dependent on the slave mentality that the Left cultivates through emotional abuse. Men become more right wing when they work out because of this. Women become more right wing when they marry men because of this. Men get more right-wing when they become more wealthy and financially secure, or when they get a job, or when they stay out of college, or go to a church, or have children.

Personal growth is one of our strongest and most subversive weapons against Leftism. That sub-manager and I are on mostly good terms (as far as I can tell). I want that sub-manager to grow as a person and become less dependent on Leftist racial collectivism to compensate for their own insecurities.