Why would I care what incels do with their money ?
No, I wouldn't give the trash of humanity a single cent.
You remind me of those anti-gay neocons... who all end up on the National Enquirer cover with a dick in every hole. Go rail some more about all women, see if that helps you get a relationship going. It only failed for your entire life, it's bound to work soon.
So? Don't you find it abhorrent?
No, I wouldn't give the trash of humanity a single cent.
Why would I care what incels do with their money ?
You remind me of those anti-gay neocons... who all end up on the National Enquirer cover with a dick in every hole. Go rail some more about all women, see if that helps you get a relationship going. It only failed for your entire life, it's bound to work soon.
Because they're being set up to fail by the same people profiting off their failure?
If they fail, it's on them. No water off my back.
Methinks you dost protest too much. Now I know you bought Delphine bath water.
How can you be so callous?
Yeah, yeah whatever. I buy a lot of useless shit, but definitely not that.