The irony of it all was many of the ideas of the 90s classical liberalism; human rights, toleration, freedom of expression, etc. came about because of our millennia of Christian tradition and thought.* The classical liberal's system of morali- excuse me, ethics, more likely than not came from Christianity too since these 40-somethings and older either grew up going to church or lived in communities where most everyone was going to church.
Here's the kicker. Barring maybe one or two, they don't realize the importance Christianity has had to the development of their deeply held ideas, and just how much damage is happening to those ideas because of our civilization's shift away from Christianity.
The irony of it all was many of the ideas of the 90s classical liberalism; human rights, toleration, freedom of expression, etc. came about because of our millennia of Christian tradition and thought.* The classical liberal's system of morali- excuse me, ethics, more likely than not came from Christianity too since these 40-somethings and older either grew up going to church or lived in communities where most everyone was going to church.
Here's the kicker. Barring maybe one or two, they don't realize the importance Christianity has had to the development of their deeply held ideas, and just how much damage is happening to those ideas because of our civilization's shift away from Christianity.
*Please excuse the simplification