It would be so cool to live in a country where everyone wasn't slowly dying of self-imposed beetus and morbid obesity.
The cope is going to be surreal in a couple years as 300 million dying people try to rationalize why it's actually McDonalds and the hospital's fault that a 25 year old has bad knees, erectile dysfunction, depression and high blood pressure.
Look forward to mandated needless medical procedures and invasive propaganda so the slowly-withering masses can rationalize that they're normal and not actually marching to an early grave.
Just look at Covid's batshit response because the West didn't want to admit that you can't really save old, fat, and sick people from a flu. (Well, the government wanted endless fascist powers. But the normies didn't want to admit they made themselves so weak a flu could kill them, they'd rather be fascist instead)
It would be so cool to live in a country where everyone wasn't slowly dying of self-imposed beetus and morbid obesity.
The cope is going to be surreal in a couple years as 300 million dying people try to rationalize why it's actually McDonalds and the hospital's fault that a 25 year old has bad knees, erectile dysfunction, depression and high blood pressure.
Look forward to mandated needless medical procedures and invasive propaganda so the slowly-withering masses can rationalize that they're normal and not actually marching to an early grave.
Just look at Covid's batshit response because the West didn't want to admit that you can't really save old, fat, and sick people from a flu. (Well, the government wanted endless fascist powers. But the normies didn't want to admit they made themselves so weak a flu could kill them, they'd rather be fascist instead)