They are still operating under the delusion that college is for learning. I went to college and work in a field related to my degree. Sure I may have learned a few things in college but I'm more likely to use something I learned working in the campus machine shop than in any class I ever took. If you go to college, it's for the piece of paper saying you finished at best. I'm not sure I could stomach a modern college though.
They are still operating under the delusion that college is for learning. I went to college and work in a field related to my degree. Sure I may have learned a few things in college but I'm more likely to use something I learned working in the campus machine shop than in any class I ever took. If you go to college, it's for the piece of paper saying you finished at best. I'm not sure I could stomach a modern college though.
College was 75% a waste of time for me. While 25% of it taught me critical thinking, otherwise I did not get much in the way of job skills.