So I've sort-of been trending towards PC gaming, not in the hardcore camp outside a store for a graphics card way, but I bought a little APU-based mini PC that has been surprisingly good late last year.
It's hooked up to my TV (I will not do desk gaming) and I'd like to play some things that are really not controller friendly, like Age of Empires, Deus Ex, Stalker series, maybe some old Sim City etc. Was thinking a trackball would be nice since I can lounge around without needing a flat space to sit it. It's a weird market though, there's different types yet not much to choose from. Seems like maybe stuck with Logitech, which the way I've been not thrilled with their stuff lately I'd be as happy trying out one of the capital letter Chinese brands that won't be much different.
Anyone that's done this for light (or heavy) gaming have any suggestions? I haven't used a trackball since my laptop had one over 25 years ago.
Last one I used was an old-school Logitech Trackman Marble Wheel, ages ago. I had a desk that didn't really have the space for a mouse, and a trackball was my only option. Given the day and age, if you don't want to use one that's pure Chinesium, your best bet is probably going to be a Logitech unit. Be warned, though, they are not good for playing any sort of first-person games, especially if they're a shooter. They're honestly barely a step above a trackpad on a laptop in that respect. They're fine for other stuff where you don't need twitch reflexes to snap-aim, so RTS and sim games will be fine, but don't go out expecting to 360 noscope anyone.
Haha as if I ever could anyway. I played CoD for years and the only reason I was ever any good was how stupid others were. All I ever did was learn patterns and put myself in a good position. Funny enough seemed to work better on the more skilled players, because they tended to lean on their skills to win fights.