What manufacturer of car do you think is involved in more accidents per year in Alberta? Ford or Lamborghini?
This loser seal clapped:
Great analogy. Spot on. But the the unvaxxed will still spin the narrative. They just don’t get it!
Some good clapbacks:
The car manufacturers safety record doesn't go down to near zero 6 months after purchasing the car and you don't need a new car twice a year to stay safe. You just need to be a good driver for the most part.
Nobody's trying to force or coerce me into buy a Ford or a Lamborghini.
Sheep bleets: "Nobody's forcing you to do anything." Tell that to all the nurses they've fired.
I was called a Lamborghini and a racist in the same week.
Now what if you couldn’t go down the road with out seeing propaganda saying Fords will never get in an accident and yet here we are.
This is the best reply IMO:
So then why blame all the Lambos for overrunning the body shops?
One sheep tried to defend it:
This loser seal clapped:
Some good clapbacks:
Sheep bleets: "Nobody's forcing you to do anything." Tell that to all the nurses they've fired.
This is the best reply IMO: