I used to figure that people would open their eyes over time but across the world that isn’t the case. Here in the U.S. the media keeps being overly hysterical about positive cases. I used to joke that there should be a ban on reporting cases.
Imagine if the flu was reported like this. Also the way they have never just said that certain people are at a higher risk than others and of course the “it’s ok to protest” narrative.
Just makes me sick to see people who are chicken little or someone who tells me that people have died
At this rate, it won't end. Not until enough people get over the mass hysteria of ZOMG NEW VARIANT and ONE MORE BOOSTER. Until enough people get sick of being sheep and running by the rules of the power-mongers that are getting rich off the backs (or would that be arms?) of the vaccinated, nothing will change. The question is how large will the societal upheaval be? Because the longer we put up with this, the worse it will be when the change eventually happens.