I'm not young, and my health is not good, so I think I will live another 10 years (or maybe a little more) at best, and it pains me that almost, almost everywhere I look, I see degenerate things which attack our culture, our life, you know the drill.
What do you think, will I-we see a turning back to normal life, or is this just a hopeless dream?
Thanks in advance, and I wish every user of kotakuinaction2.win a happy, healthy 2022!
make circumcision of babies illegal and make the punishment be the death penalty
Wait, why is this downvoted? Is this place really that hopeless that it actively supports mutilation of baby boys for no medical reason?
people have been conditioned to believe sexual assault of babies is OK because the powerful people that shape society think their god commands them to do it.
Fuck off, pedophile.