It's a done deal. My local comic book store's western comics take up precisely one row of shelves at the absolute back end of the upper floor. It's been that way since 2015.
All through the 90's and 00's, it was the entire upper floor, save for the tiny manga section. Now the situation is completely reversed. Japan has utterly crushed western comics. People would rather read shit in black and white, backwards than read western comics. That's how shit western comics have been for the last 10 years.
LOL, incompetently and arrogantly shoving your propaganda down everyone's throat is how you lost the culture war and caused this mess in the first place, and now the left is losing it for the EXACT same reason. And despite contributing to the fall of the west, you CONTINUE with the same strategy? If you Christians were actually competent in advertising your values properly, the world would not be in this mess.
You pagan scum are responible for kids being indoctrinated with lgbsgwg garbage, communist indoctrinatikn, critical race theory, amd blm. Communists couldnt have asked for better goons tgan the pagan retwrds who sacrifice kids to thor for crops
It's a done deal. My local comic book store's western comics take up precisely one row of shelves at the absolute back end of the upper floor. It's been that way since 2015.
All through the 90's and 00's, it was the entire upper floor, save for the tiny manga section. Now the situation is completely reversed. Japan has utterly crushed western comics. People would rather read shit in black and white, backwards than read western comics. That's how shit western comics have been for the last 10 years.
Most manga and anime is pagan garbage, but even THAT's preferrable to modern American anything.
Check out Pageau's God's Dog
LOL, incompetently and arrogantly shoving your propaganda down everyone's throat is how you lost the culture war and caused this mess in the first place, and now the left is losing it for the EXACT same reason. And despite contributing to the fall of the west, you CONTINUE with the same strategy? If you Christians were actually competent in advertising your values properly, the world would not be in this mess.
You pagan scum are responible for kids being indoctrinated with lgbsgwg garbage, communist indoctrinatikn, critical race theory, amd blm. Communists couldnt have asked for better goons tgan the pagan retwrds who sacrifice kids to thor for crops
Meds. Now.